• Lose weight, for good

    “I feel healthier, in control and overall, a lot happier.” –  Shaun B

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Fad-Free Fat Loss

Have you tried everything to lose weight, only to put it back on again?

Have you had enough of feeling restricted, guilty and tired?

Do you tend to be “all or nothing” when it comes to diet (but that’s not really working)?

Are you confused by mixed messages and misinformation about diet and weight loss?

Do you want to feel calm around food and lose weight for good, in a way that fits your lifestyle?

My Fad-Free 1:1 programme is the new approach you need.

Imagine how it would feel to:

  • achieve your weight loss goals
  • break free from endless cycles of dieting
  • understand the habits and behaviours that are holding you back
  • manage emotional / comfort eating
  • eat “normally” – no faddy rules or complex diets
  • have more energy
  • enjoy great food
  • feel fabulous!

Kate has been an amazing support at helping me understand my relationship with food, good and bad. I have received practical suggestions which will continue to support my work and training and support my overall health.” Louise K

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Meet the coach

Hello, I’m Kate!

Lasting weight loss is about much more than just food – if it were that simple, no-one would ever struggle with it! There are so many other factors that make it difficult to lose weight and keep it off: ignoring these and not allowing ourselves time and space to work on them leaves us stuck in that damaging yo-yo cycle.

For over 20 years I bounced from one fad diet to the next, stuck in a frustrating cycle of restrict – binge – guilt – restrict again… The actions that have become the Fad-Free approach have allowed me, and my clients, to leave that cycle behind, ditch the diets and maintain a steady, happy, healthy weight.

Based in Hampshire (UK), I help serial dieters just like you to break away from that exhausting yo-yo cycle and find a gentler way to manage your weight –  with no fads, no quick fixes and no judgement.

“I would totally recommend Kate to anyone who wants sensible, clear and helpful nutrition guidance from a very kind, caring and supportive professional!” Emma P

Take a look at my blog post: What does a nutrition coach actually do?

More ways to go Fad-Free!

Fad-Free Online

You can start to move away from yo-yo dieting right now with the Fad-Free Self-Paced Online Course.

A perfect opportunity to revisit what you know and what you think you know about your relationship with food. It helped me to bring my knowledge into the 21st century and challenge my crooked thinking.”

Learn how to manage emotional eating, make healthier choices, find clarity from the diet confusion and build the foundations for lasting weight loss – all at a time and pace that suits you.

Head over to my online store for full details, as well as tons of other resources to help you love food, eat well and feel great!